Telecom Operators Publish Operation Data For June
7/24/2007 10:11  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    The four major Chinese telecom operators of China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom and China Netcom have each published their operational data for June.

    Their respective results show that mobile service was playing a larger role, as both China Mobile and China Unicom saw millions of new users during the period. According to their data, China Mobile's user increase hit a new high with 5.526 million new users and the company's total user population reached 332 million.

    China Unicom increased 1.537 million users during the month, of which 1.133 million were GSM users and 404,000 were CDMA users. By the end of June, China Unicom had a total user population of 151.63 million. China Telecom saw a net increase of 210,000 users and China Netcom 77700 new users.

    The difference in new user increases show that mobile services have become more popular than fixed-line services.

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