Hifn Expands China Security Operations
9/5/2007 14:53  Resource:China Tech News  Author£ºChina Tech News

    Network and information security company Hifn (HIFN) has added a new office in Beijing to provide customer support, marketingand sales activities to local customers while complementing the company's existing operations facilityi n Hangzhou.

    "Hifn has an established presence in China and well-recognized customers such as Huawei, ZTE and Galaxywind," said Tom Moore, vice president of sales, marketing and operation for Hifn. "The addition of the Beijing office provides stronger local support to our existing customers, opportunities to develop new customer relationships, and identify and address the Chinese market requirements quickly."

    Hifn says it is committed to delivering the applied service processors, software, subsystems and systems that make continuous data protection easy and cost-effective for enterprises of all sizes.

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